Friday, November 30, 2007

Organic Cotton Yarn

Organic cotton yarn is more and more popular with customers in the modern times due to gradually growing consciousness for natural, green, healthy, environmental protection conception. We spin organic cotton yarn using organic cotton from Xinjiang autonomous region in China. Xinjiang as largest organic cotton base has abundant land resources, unique soil, light, heat climatic conditions. Soil, water, air has never been polluted. So it has been yielding top-grade organic cotton, demand has been exceeding supply. We can provide customers with OCIA certificate for organic cotton yarn.

We can spin 100% combed organic cotton yarn and 100%carded organic cotton yarn from NE12’s to NE50’s as well as blended combed organic cotton yarn, carded organic cotton yarn with bamboo, milk, Tencel, modal and other materials at any percentage according to customer’s requirement. We can spin both knitting and weaving organic cotton yarn and only produce raw white color organic cotton yarn.

Why should you buy organic cotton yarn instead of conventional cotton yarn? There are so many reasons that you probably never knew, we’d like to let you in on some real facts and give you some insight into the organic industry and why it’s the natural choice for you and your baby.Cotton uses approximately 25% of the world's insecticides and more than 10% of the pesticides (including herbicides, insecticides, and defoliants.).

Organic Cotton yarn is the cloth of the future! Organic cotton is not only better for our bodies but better for our environment. It makes a world of difference in the health and comfort of our babies, especially those with allergies, asthma, or multiple chemical sensitivities. Your baby can enjoy the purest softness, comfort and strength of cotton while diminishing the harm to our environment because what is toxic to you is 15 times more toxic to a baby.

Everyone wants to know why organic cotton is so important for us. The reason lies in the fact that conventional cotton is the second most heavily sprayed crop in the world [coffee is the first]. Typically, on an average size T-shirt, between a quarter to a half pound of pesticides are sprayed. The issues at hand are the residue of chemicals and effects of the spraying on people and the environment. Most pesticides that are used today contain chloride compounds. When they are airborne, they become dioxins, which are carcinogens - cancer causing agents. Plus, chlorine is a known hormone-disrupter linked to breast and prostate cancer.

For you, for our children, for our environment, for our earth! Please choose natural, green, healthy, environmental protection products—Organic cotton yarn!

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